Dr Miranda Brawn is the opening keynote speaker for ‘Women Automotive Network’ on International Women’s Day 2022


Skoda’s Member of the Board, Maren Graef, and Dr Miranda Brawn are just TWO of the fantastic speakers confirmed for next month’s Spring Meetup.

LONDON, UK, February 21, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Skoda’s Member of the Board, Maren Graef, and Dr Miranda Brawn Independent Non-Executive Director of Switch Mobility Ltd are just TWO of the fantastic speakers confirmed for next month’s Spring Meetup (which is being hosted by the Women Automotive Network).

Unlike previous WAN keynote sessions, Maren will be taking to the stage, and hosting an interactive ‘Ask a Leader’ session, where she’ll be answering questions from the audience. Dr Miranda Brawn will be addressing how as an industry, we can ‘drive more women to the automotive boardroom.’

A result of a recent poll (which was taken during the Women Automotive Network’s Winter Meetup in 2021) indicated that “only 30.1% of women in the industry feel as though their career goals have the correct internal support.”

Therefore, at next month’s Spring Meetup, there will be a series of specialist, dedicated career and leadership workshops, personal success stories from automotive female leaders, and… speed networking for ALL attendees, – to drive career goals and support in the industry.

Other speakers include Fedra Ribeiro (COO, Mobilize, Renault Group) who will be delivering a talk on ‘Growing New Mobility Business from a Historical core.’

The event will close with a Panel Discussion focus on ‘Leadership, Career Development, Being a Woman in the Automotive Industry,’ with contributions from Penny Weatherup (People Director, Volkswagen Group United Kingdom Limited), Ella Podmore (IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year 2020; Materials Engineer, McLaren Automotive Ltd), and Katharina Hopp, Senior Vice President Business Team Mobility Solutions, Robert Bosch GmbH.

Sponsors Include: McKinsey & Company, Capgemini Invent, Henkel, Flex, Harman, AkzoNobel, Novelis, Micron, Vitesco, Daimler Truck AG, Audi, Ford. Altair, Leoni, Tuxera, Blue Yonder, ITW, and Skoda.

“We are so excited to hold our annual Spring Meetup event once again,” said Stephanie May, the Women Automotive Network’s Commercial Director, and the Spring Meetup’s organiser.

“Last year, 250+ delegates attended, whereas this year, we’re expecting a much bigger turnout, and we can’t wait to celebrate International Women’s Day once again, to support leadership and diversity in the automotive industry, and to bring professionals closer together,” added Stephanie.

About The Women Automotive Network:

The Women Automotive Network is the fastest-growing platform for automotive diversity and technology discussions, – made possible by their events, content, mentorship scheme, and their rapidly growing community of 8000+ members on LinkedIn.
For more information visit: https://womenautomotivesummit.com