Press Release
The Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Foundation (TMBDLF) Education and Diversity Charity and Hogan Lovells join forces for Inclusion and Black Lives Matter
The Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Foundation and International Law Firm Hogan Lovells ( have teamed up to work towards helping our next generation of diverse student leaders and closing diversity gap in the workplace with a focus on Inclusion and the Black Lives Matter movement.
The fifth Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Annual Lecture will be the Charity’s first virtual event which is being sponsored and hosted by Hogan Lovells on the evening of 1st October 2020. Further details will be available via This is in partnership with Hogan Lovell’s “National Inclusion Week” event and to celebrate the first day of UK Black History Month.
National Inclusion Week via Inclusive Employers takes place from 28th September to 4th October 2020. The week is designed to celebrate everyday inclusion in all its forms! Sharing, promoting and inspiring inclusion practices and culture: together, we will build and develop the inclusion momentum, everyday. The theme for National Inclusion Week 2020 is Each One, Reach One. It is about the opportunity that we all have to connect with someone else, or another organisation, to help them understand the opportunity of inclusion and connect. It is about individuals and organisations connecting and inspiring each other to make inclusion an everyday reality. Together, we will build the biggest inclusion chain ever.
Founder and CEO of the Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Foundation, Dr Miranda Brawn Esq said: “I am delighted that our founding supporter Hogan Lovells are sponsoring and hosting our fifth Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Annual Lecture event. This year is extra special because we are five years old and this is in partnership with their National Inclusion Week event. The theme “Each One, Reach One” is in line with my Charity’s ethos “Together we can change the world” hence the perfect fit. This year, my diversity leadership lecture will be focused on inclusion and the Black Lives Matter movement as this was one of the main reasons why my Charity was launched in the first place. We are continuously looking for ways to continue and lead in an innovative way while partnering with other organisations and individuals to help make positive changes.
The annual diversity leadership lecture events are inclusive of all diversity strands such as gender, race, LGBTQ+, disability, religion, faith, social mobility etc. This includes multiple industries and sectors such as finance, business, law, science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics, politics, fashion, media, entrepreneurship etc.
The winners of the annual diversity leadership scholarships will also be announced during this event. I am looking forward to finding out who will be our top next generation diversity leaders this year joining the Foundation family.“
The Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Annual Lecture is the perfect opportunity to (i) educate, empower and inspire our audience on education, career and diversity; (ii) celebrate the outstanding and inspiring achievements of our future diversity leaders; and (iii) raise the awareness of diversity and equality and the importance of action.
The lecture has an innovative concept with a strong focus on intersectionality which appeals to its diverse audiences. This consists of next-generation diversity leaders, their parents and current leaders in the workplace who wish to learn more about diversity and how they can make an impact by implementing our key tips in their schools, universities and workplaces.
The first Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Lecture made UK history in October 2016 as the first of its kind aimed at school children from a Black, Asian and minority ethnic background aged between 14 to 21 years old and continues to lead as a key annual diversity event in the UK.